
I encourage families to connect with a local synagogue community to celebrate a b-mitzvah, but when that isn’t a fit, I love to work with students to prepare for this moment. A b-mitzvah is not only a celebration for a young person, but a chance to have the whole family connect to Jewish tradition. I work with the entire family so that the b-mitzvah can be an educational and meaningful moment for everyone connected to the student becoming b-mitzvah.

I work with students who have religious school backgrounds or Hebrew tutors and those starting from scratch! Email me to explore what’s possible!

I offer two tiers of b-mitzvah preparation. I work with students who have some background in Hebrew or prayers and those who are creating a ceremony from the ground up. I teach students prayers, how to chant from the Torah and coach students through writing a d’var Torah that they are proud to share with family and friends.

Let’s chat!

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